Tag: coronavirus
Free Margaret Buttimer!
What the fuck is wrong with Ireland? Margaret Buttimer, 66, had already been found guilty of not wearing a face mask at a supermarket in Clonakilty and sentencing on that matter, another alleged similar offence and a new charge were to be considered in Bandon District Court on Friday. When Ms Buttimer, a grandmother from…
Psychologically abused by your government
Like a battered wife that refuses to leave her husband the population of the United States keeps adhering to the advice of their abusers. Take this poor man in the New York Times article below. He’s been wearing an N95 mask with a cloth mask over it and goggles for 14 months. Somehow with all…
Dr. Fauci admitting his mask wearing was politics not science
Rand Paul was right when he nailed Dr. Fauci during a senate hearing on COVID-19. Wearing a mask after vaccination is pure theater and now Fauci admitted as much. On Good Morning America the nation’s favorite asshat smugly admitted he was wearing a mask, after being vaccinated, because he didn’t want to send “mixed signals”.…
1996 X-Files episode foretelling our COVID-19 reality
There was an episode of the X-Files on last night. In the episode Cancer Man is interrogating a shape-shifting alien. It’s like Chris Carter and the writers of this episode saw 2020/2021 in 1996 when this episode aired. We give them happiness and they give us authority. The authority to take away their freedom under…
Who didn’t know COVID-19 was cover for a power grab?
Almost my entire family view me as a crackpot when I recite every liberty taken from the public due to “protecting others” from COVID-19. The United States and western democracies are not founded on the principles of collective good. They are founded on the principle of individual liberty and the rights of man (man in…
Scientists argue against the need for COVID-19 booster shots
I wonder how Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AstraZeneca feel about this? In interviews with Reuters, more than a dozen influential infectious disease and vaccine development experts said there is growing evidence that a first round of global vaccinations may offer enduring protection against the coronavirus and its most worrisome variants discovered to date. Some of…