Tag: coronavirus
Los Angeles schools are vaccinating minors without parental consent
I think we’re way past evil now. A California mother has claimed that her 13-year-old son was told not to say anything after being given the COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for pizza at his school without her consent, according to a local report. Maribel Duarte told NBC Los Angeles on Monday that her son recently…
Australia shows the future for us all if we don’t stop the madness now
The Australian’s COVID-19 Concentration Camp (what I refer to as the CCC) is where people are being involuntarily forced to quarantine. Even if they test negative but have been “exposed” to someone who tested positive they must quarantine. If the violate the rules inside the CCC they face $5,000 fines for each infraction. The staff…
Dr. Fauci admits illegals coming across the Mexican border are exempt from COVID-19 protocols regarding entry into the United States
How dangerous can this virus be if we’re heavily testing and requiring vaccinations from those arriving on planes but allowing people to enter the country by walking across the Mexican border? Dr. Fauci is a fraud. The COVID-19 policies are a fraud. All of this baloney needs to end now.
Comirnaty Held Hostage: Day 98
If current vaccines don’t cover the Omicron variant are the vaccines still under EUA and is the FDA approved Comirnaty still valid? Where is Comirnaty?
Is Omicron killing everyone or is it just a cold?
Yesterday the doctor at the epicenter of the new VARIANT of the SARS-CoV-2 virus said that those testing positive have mild symptoms and none have required hospitalizations. Today, in the Wall Street Journal, Omicron is driving a rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations in the very place in which the doctor said no one is admitted in…
That huge sell-off in the markets today is simply a Black Friday discount for buyers of the dip
What’s a 3% dip in the stock market? The news is blaming the latest COVID variant… ooooooo so scary. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here. It’s simply a 3% discount on all the stocks you want to buy. Heck… use some of that stimulus money and gamble it away in the market. That’s…