Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Vivek Ramaswamy is everywhere

I wonder if this strategy will work. He is literally on every podcast, network, and YouTube video. If you want to interview him he’s there.

Recently I stumbled on a YouTube channel called CartierFamily. Four guys chatting about stuff. On two videos I saw they were giving their reaction to Ramaswamy’s appearance on The Breakfast Club and his response to Joy Reid from MSNBC. These guys are hilarious.

Apparently a person on Ramaswamy’s campaign saw their videos and contacted them to see if they wanted to interview him. They jumped at the chance and they did a very good interview too. In their normal videos they talk over each other a little too much. I didn’t know what to expect. But they had good questions and were not shy to ask some tough follow ups too.

Their channel has 683,000 subscribers and their interview with Ramaswamy has 217,000 views so far. Is this a good strategy? Is he reaching people he would not normally reach? Will this translate to votes?

It’s entertaining to say the least.


