Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Good info on Monkeypox

The article in Common Sense today is not inflammatory. It’s a simple rundown of what happened, where we are, and the known risks at the moment. First thing I learned is Monkeypox should be named Rodentpox because it’s mainly found in rodents. Who the hell named this stupid virus?

At the moment, unless you are a gay man with multiple anonymous or casual sexual partners, you are probably not at much risk. In this new non-African outbreak that began in May, most of the cases have been inside that network—at least thus far. In seven central and west African countries, there have been tens of thousands of suspected cases and hundreds of deaths attributed to the virus over the last two decades. This new outbreak has risen from a dozen cases in Portugal, Spain and Britain in mid-May to more than 12,000 in over 50 countries, from Iceland to Australia. Over 1,000 of them are in the U.S., many of them in cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago.

But there’s no guarantee it will stay inside that network. Monkeypox is transmitted by sex, by skin-to-skin contact, by towels and sheets, and possibly even by kissing or coughing by patients with sores inside their mouths. A few nurses have caught it from patients, as have family members. There’s much we don’t know about it yet. 

Monkeypox: What You Actually Need to Know – Common Sense


