Tag: Social Networks
Self-defined democrat socialist journalist gets fired from leftwing Seattle Times for suggesting Lenin intended to be more evil than Hitler
I kind of love it when the nutbags on the left eat their own. They never see it coming when the ideals they stand for come back to bite them. It never pays to be a progressive liberal left-wing Democrat socialist (that’s a mouthful of labels right there). His real problem was engaging in debate…
Brookings Institution continues its push to censor your podcast
The Brookings Institution is not calling it censorship. They’re calling it moderation. But anyone paying attention over the past 6 years knows moderation is newspeak for censorship. The litany of stories from the Charlottesville “very fine people” bullshit, the Trump Russian Collusion hoax, the SARS-CoV-2 not created/created in a lab theory, effective/ineffective COVID-19 mRNA vaccines,…
Clubhouse, the social network you didn’t know you didn’t need
Clubhouse is the new hot commodity in the “tech” world. It’s basically an audio online chat room but with controls. From what I’m reading in tech press and hearing on podcasts Clubhouse is trying to be the next “platform” for speech. Not free speech mind you but for speech. This is just another platform to…
Ron DeSantis, another presidential contender
Maybe I should have moved to Florida instead.
The Social Dilemma: An anti-capitalist propaganda piece
The first thing you need to know is the film, “The Social Dilemma” is NOT a documentary. It is a dramatized film with an agenda that is against a free an open Internet and is against capitalism. It blames the big tech companies for all the social ills of today when in reality it is…
President Trump doesn’t understand the concept of the “Public Square”
President Trump today signed an Executive Order that threatens Internet based social networking platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc. He says that these platforms are the 21st century equivalent of the public square and that the protections afforded by the First Amendment to the Constitution apply to these companies. He has it totally wrong.…