Tag: President Biden
Is Kamala Harris the Angel of Death?
Have we ever seen a Vice President hover behind a President like this? It’s like she’s standing there, at the ready, the moment Biden collapses at a press conference. Either that or she’s holding the remote control that keeps Biden on track. What’s with her?
What’s with amateur hour at the White House?
They need to fire who ever is responsible for this horrific video production. Any kid with an iPhone and a table top tripod can do better than this.
Who is funding the “migrants”?
Those are some beautiful brand new super white t-shirts. They definitely didn’t walk across all of Mexico in those shirts. Will people protesting Biden policies be welcomed at the capitol wearing those shirts? It would be fantastic to see a couple thousand people outside the razor wire in D.C. donning those.
President Biden releasing COVID-19 infected illegal aliens into the U.S.
Is President Biden trying to kill us all? Is illegal immigration a super spreader event? #sarcasm Here’s something that can’t be attributed to President Trump in any way. As we all know he hated “migrants”, “immigrants”, and especially illegal aliens. He wasn’t allowing them in the country at all, according to the news, let alone…
Illinois Senators unhappy with President Biden? Say it ain’t so Joe!
President Biden decided to fire the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois without consulting the two Democrat U.S. Senators. Why? Is it possible that the Democrat party wants the trials that have implicated aldermen, executives of the state’s major electric utility, and the Speaker of the House of the Illinois General Assembly, to…