Tag: President Biden
Whatever happened to Thomas Matthew Crooks?
The attempt on President Trump’s life happened less than two weeks ago. Yet, due to a worldwide computer SNAFU by Crowdstrike, Biden finally dropping out of the race, and the vapid Kamala Harris being anointed as the Democratic nominee, the media has conveniently forgotten about the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks. It is extremely odd…
They tried to kill Trump. Instead, bloodied, he raises his fist in defiance.
They tried. And failed. President Trump was apparently shot today. Looks like he got hit in the ear so he was dangerously close to being killed. Regardless of who the shooter is we know who is truly responsible for this. The blame lies exclusively with President Joe Biden, the Democrat Party, and the irresponsible legacy…
Note to enemies of the United States: If you’re going to attack it has to be before 8:00 pm
It’s the least we can ask for to give us a fighting chance. President Joe Biden told Democratic governors during a meeting at the White House on Wednesday that part of his plan going forward is to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m. so that he can get more sleep, according to three sources briefed on his comments.…
Biden seems proud to be the first black woman Vice President to serve with the first black President
It continues. He meant to say he’s the first kid who grew up in Delaware to be President. He also meant to say that he’s proud to have picked the first black woman to be Vice President and the first black woman to be on the Supreme Court. What he actually said was a confused…
When did SNL get their sense of humor back?
Best interpretation of the post-debate Democrats electorate.