Tag: President Biden
Biden’s Communist nominee for Comptroller of the Currency was also petty thief
Saule Omarova stole $214.00 from TJ Maxx when she was 28 years old. 28! Not 15. This was not a youthful indiscretion. She lacks the respect for law and our Constitution. She wants to implement centralized banking where private banks no longer exist and your money is in complete control of the federal government. This…
President Chavez… er… I mean Biden investigates oil and gas companies for illegal conduct
What’s this guy’s next step? Nationalization? That’s the only way he can get in there and control prices. Isn’t this exactly what Venezuela did prior to their economic collapse? President Biden called on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate whether oil-and-gas companies are participating in illegal conduct aimed at keeping gasoline prices high. In a…
Biden to make illegal aliens rich to the tune of $450k per person
Just when you think things can’t get worse under President Joe Biden. His administration is floating the idea of paying $450,000 per person in compensation to illegal aliens separated during Trump’s successful border control policies. Meanwhile, legal and natural born citizens can just grind out their days waiting for government to send them their $300/child…
Heartbreaking video from wife of 45 yr old FBI agent who died 24 hours after 1st vaccination
And we want to force people to get this thing? Who will be responsible if someone got vaccinated and was injured or died from a coerced vaccination? President Biden liked to talk about empty chairs at the Thanksgiving table. Well, that’s exactly what this wife is now facing this holiday season. While it’s true he…
Biden CNN townhall audience 1/3 of the CNN townhall in February
I’m surprised that many people watch CNN anymore. Biden lost to Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity by half and even lost to Chris Hayes & Rachel Maddow on MSNBC by a couple hundred thousand. That’s shocking because we know no one watches MSNBC. In the key demo of 25 to 54 they only scored 271,000…
Not a question of if anymore… it’s when will Taiwan fall to China
This is why the United States needs more than a puppet dementia patient sitting in the oval office. Record-breaking numbers of Chinese military planes probed the airspace near Taiwan over the weekend, prompting Taiwanese fighter jets to scramble and adding muscle to Beijing’s warnings that it could ultimately use force to take hold of the…