Tag: peakstupid
Heartbreaking video from wife of 45 yr old FBI agent who died 24 hours after 1st vaccination
And we want to force people to get this thing? Who will be responsible if someone got vaccinated and was injured or died from a coerced vaccination? President Biden liked to talk about empty chairs at the Thanksgiving table. Well, that’s exactly what this wife is now facing this holiday season. While it’s true he…
I am hungry for an In-N-Out burger
This is how American business should stand up to the government for their employees and customers. We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government. We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize their business. This is a clear government overreach. https://www.newsweek.com/san-francisco-n-out-forced-close-after-not-enforcing-vaccination-checks-1640566
The Most Peaceful Insurrection in World History… Oh the humanity!
January 6, 2021 will go down as the most peaceful insurrection in world history. Video just released from one of the court cases shows just how ridiculous the media and Congress characterized this protest as a violent armed insurrection. Below is one of the videos but you should go to Buzzfeed and watch the rest…
New York Times columnist would vaccinate his child to protect against an illness that he admits is difficult to quantify
When I started reading this story I thought it was going to be a possible turning point in the mass hysteria event known as COVID-19. I feel like Charlie Brown and the NYT is Lucy pulling away the football once again. David Leonhardt, New York Times extraordinaire, writes a column about how vaccinated elderly are…
Suicidal man in New Jersey wore a COVID mask on his 100ft death leap
My headline is the kicker to this story. I heard about it the other day and largely ignored it because it’s just a local story about a guy that failed to commit suicide. Sure it’s amazing that he survived a 100 foot jump when he landed on the roof of a BMW. What I want…
Where are all the attorneys?
I ask the simple question of what happened to all the personal injury attorneys?