Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: Microsoft

  • Apple creates a strap-on… for your head. No… not that head.

    Apple creates a strap-on… for your head. No… not that head.

    Apple today announced the Apple Vision Pro. Another giant set of goggles to strap-on over your eyes all for the low low price of $3,500.00. I thought the failure of Google Glass, Microsoft Hololens, and Meta’s Oculus (now Quest I guess) should have shown Apple that no normal person wants to wear giant goggles around…

  • Windows 11 Widgets Won’t Work

    Windows 11 Widgets Won’t Work

    Right outta the box! Well… more like right off the upgrade. I just installed the Windows 11 upgrade on my Dell XPS13 and took it for a test drive and right off the bat the Widgets pane won’t open. Yes, I rebooted. I don’t know if I’ll even use the Widgets but I’ll never know…

  • Technology refugee

    Technology refugee

    This is a rant on computer and phone technology going in a different direction than I need it to be. Nothing fits what I want or what I do. Upgrade to the New Windows 11 OS | Microsoft 5G Google Pixel Phones – Google Store Episode 22 Value 4 ValueListen to this on Podfriend Shownotes…

  • Google antitrust suit… does it matter?

    I use DuckDuckGo for search most of the time, Dropbox for my cloud storage, and I’ve recently moved to Microsoft Edge for my web browser. There are choices out there if you’re willing to look and switch. I also use Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Photos, Google Maps, and an Android phone. But I use them…