Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: covid-19

  • Florida proves schools are not superspreaders

    Let’s file this under… DUH! Public-health specialists point to a few possible explanations for the success. Many schools adhered as best they could to guidance on mask-wearing, social distancing, contact tracing and quarantining. Given that adherence has been uneven, though, another likely reason is that young children don’t transmit the virus efficiently, said Eric Toner,…

  • President Biden lied comparing COVID-19 deaths to World Wars and 9/11

    I didn’t watch live because honestly is Biden really alive? But seriously folks, I saw a few news reports about this address to the nation by our very sleepy president. He started out the first two minutes with an outright lie. He claimed there were 527,726 deaths due to COVID-19. He then claimed it was…

  • Normal Vitamin D levels decrease COVID-19 symptom severity and hospitalization by 90%

    Dr. Ryan Cole of Cole Diagnostics unambiguously declares that the pandemic is over… at least in Idaho. The rest of the country is pretty much the same though. Here are some tidbits from his half hour presentation. Average age of a person dying from COVID-19 is 78.6 years. Exactly matches the average age of a…

  • When is a vaccine not a vaccine? When it comes from Pfizer under the FDA’s EUA… read it and weep

    Right out of the box at the bottom of the second paragraph of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer vaccine you get hit in the gut with this little gem. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine and may prevent you from getting COVID-19. There is no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

  • You might be a Covidphobe

    How do you know if you’re a Covidphobe? If you are alone in a field with no one around for more than 100 feet and you have your mask on… you might be a Covidphobe If you fantasize about the day your number is called to get the vaccine… you might be a Covidphobe If…

  • COVID-19 may eliminate another 300,000 in the U.S.

    The United States barely keeps pace with the population replacement rate already. Europe and Asia have been behind the replacement curves for decades already. The population replacement rate, the fertility rate needed to maintain a society’s population size, is 2.1 children per woman. Countries with fertilities rates below this number may experience an overall older…