Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Tag: Christmas

  • I need some new traditions

    I need some new traditions

    Episode 23 On today’s episode of personal therapy I discuss my need for new traditions. Value 4 ValueListen to this on Podfriend Shownotes So I need some new traditions. All the traditions that I had for the last 30 plus years, maybe 35, are now gone. You see, I got married when I was when…

  • A Charlie Brown Christmas should be cancelled

    In our enlightened modern society how can we allow Charlie Brown to get psychologically abused by most of his friends and even his dog? How can we continue to subject current and future generations to the horrific bullying suffered by poor Charlie? Quite frankly it’s a wonder that Charlie didn’t grow up to be a…

  • Have yourself a depressing little Christmas

    The original lyrics to the song, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” are pretty depressing but honestly so much better that the version performed by Judy Garland or Frank Sinatra that have become the season’s classics. Here are the original lyrics: Have yourself a merry little ChristmasIt may be your lastNext year we may all…