Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Category: Blog

  • You don’t own your home in NYC

    You don’t own your home in NYC

    A woman changed the locks on her house to keep out a squatter. The squatter called the police. The homeowner was arrested for unlawful eviction because she didn’t handle it through housing court. Never mind the squatter had no proof he had a right to be in the house. He claims he has a lease…

  • Is Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson arguing the government has the right to censor speech?

    Is Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson arguing the government has the right to censor speech?

    Glen Greenwald tweeted a couple clips from the arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court surrounding the federal government’s active suppression of speech on social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Justice Brown Jackson seems to argue the federal government should be allowed to pressure platforms to restrict speech it does not like. She uses national…

  • Gen Z “woman” has no clue what credit card debt is

    Gen Z “woman” has no clue what credit card debt is

    Let’s file this under parental malpractice. Or straight up idiocy. If her parents taught her what a credit card is and she didn’t pay attention then I apologize to her parents. This “woman” (it’s in quotes because she’s Gen Z and obviously a woman to me but who knows how she actually identifies) thinks spending…

  • Marsopromorphic Climate Change. What’s causing it?

    Marsopromorphic Climate Change. What’s causing it?

    Well… the answer is in my made up word, “marsopromorphic”. Researchers discovered evidence that Mars’ gravitational pull influences climate change on Earth. It’s not me saying it.. it’s THE SCIENCE! Mars affects Earth’s climate by dragging it closer to the Sun in 2.4 million-year cycles, scientists have found. Researchers have discovered geological evidence proving how…

  • Pandemic of Long COVID is fake news

    Pandemic of Long COVID is fake news

    A study out of Australia shows what the media and Medical Industrial Complex calls “Long COVID” is indistinguishable from seasonal flu and any other respiratory illness. There is no evidence of increased or prolonged illness a year after infection. Long COVID appears to manifest as a post-viral syndrome indistinguishable from seasonal influenza and other respiratory…

  • Apparently Fulton County Georgia never matched some signatures in the 2020 election

    Apparently Fulton County Georgia never matched some signatures in the 2020 election

    This video is from a court case working its way through the court system. In the video the election officials admit they never used a machine to scan ballot envelopes so the signatures could be verified. It doesn’t seem Fulton County did anything to verify voter signatures. I found this on Twitter