Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

485 million year climate chart shows we’re at near record cold temps

Turns out “the science” is showing the Earth is at near record cold temperatures over the last 485 million years. The Washington Post published a story about Climate Change. At the top of the story is the chart below.

The rest of the story is them trying to tell their readers that we’re in grave danger and we’re all going to die if something isn’t done.

The revelations about Earth’s scorching past are further reason for concern about modern climate change, said Emily Judd, a researcher at University of Arizona and the Smithsonian specializing in ancient climates and the lead author of the study. The timeline illustrates how swift and dramatic temperature shifts were associated with many of the world’s worst moments — including a mass extinction that wiped out roughly 90 percent of all species and the asteroid strike that killed the dinosaurs.

“We know that these catastrophic events … shift the landscape of what life looks like,” Judd said. “When the environment warms that fast, animals and plants can’t keep pace with it.”

At no point in the nearly half-billion years that Judd and her colleagues analyzed did the Earth change as fast as it is changing now, she added:

“In the same way as a massive asteroid hitting the Earth, what we’re doing now is unprecedented.”

Washington Post

The last time it was this cold, according to scientists, was around 340 million years ago or so. Mammals weren’t even walking the Earth yet. Vertebrates were only jaunting around for 50 million years or so. Heck, when the dinosaurs were wiped out, during a supposed cold spell brought on by an asteroid, it was 10 degrees Celsius WARMER than it is today.

A person might think such a revelation would stop all the Climate Change panic. But logic has left the building folks. They’re actually using this chart to try to make people think the Earth has never seen changes like this before.

For the purposes of this story I’ll set aside my disbelief that it’s possible to take an average temperature of the Earth or that an average Earth temperature would be relevant if we could. Their own “science” disproves their hypothesis about killer Climate Change yet they won’t change their tune. Is this proof enough yet that this is all politics and an attempt to control the population of the world?

Here’s the kicker. We’re a full 6 or 7 degrees Celsius COLDER than when massive ice sheets spread across the poles.

Temperatures began to slowly decline over the next 30 million years, as atmospheric carbon dioxide was pulled from the air, before plummeting into what scientists call a coldhouse state around 444 million years ago. Ice sheets spread across the poles and global temperatures dropped more than 18 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). This rapid cooling is thought to have triggered the first of Earth’s “big five” mass extinctions — some 85 percent of marine species disappeared as sea levels fell and the chemistry of the oceans changed.

Washington Post

That was about 444 million years ago. Why haven’t we plunged into another ice age already? Makes it seem like there’s more at play when it comes to the Earth’s climate doesn’t it.


