Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Apple creates a strap-on… for your head. No… not that head.

Apple today announced the Apple Vision Pro. Another giant set of goggles to strap-on over your eyes all for the low low price of $3,500.00. I thought the failure of Google Glass, Microsoft Hololens, and Meta’s Oculus (now Quest I guess) should have shown Apple that no normal person wants to wear giant goggles around the house for any reason. Sure, there will be some that want the “immersive” experiences of the VR/AR goggle but by and large I think reasonable people don’t want the hassle of putting this thing on to do anything casual.

Look at this nonsense.

I see VR/AR headsets having a utility in professional settings. Microsoft has the best idea now with Hololens being marketed towards business. The device can be a useful training tool or useful for on-the-job functions where you need your hands free while being able to see relevant information. I can see it used for construction, anything mechanical, and for training in various dangerous situations where you might want the person to be familiar before exposing them to the real thing.

But, for gaming? Spreadsheets? Everyday messages or entertainment? I just don’t see it.

Apple had their reveal today and didn’t show what the battery pack looks like. They also touted at 2 hour battery life. What movie are you going to be able to watch that is less than 2 hours long which has the nifty immersive video and audio Apple described? None. You’ll have to plug in for that. Most entertainment is so shitty now the last thing you really want is to be immersed in it.

I used to love gadgets and technology. But now everything is a retread and so boring. Devices that are too expensive and too stupid to be useful.


