Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

Why does everyone want to be a victim?

If you’re Asian and you’ve been insulted with comments about the virus that originated in China. You may be a victim. I’m sorry I should have been inclusive of Pacific Islanders because the organization is Stop Asian American Pacific Islander Hate.

The organization Stop AAPI Hate has logged nearly 3,800 incidents of intimidation or assault against Asian Americans since March 2020, which coincides with the coronavirus pandemic. The Pew Research Center reported that 31% of Asian Americans surveyed said they had been the subject of slurs or jokes during the outbreak.

Here’s a clue. You can’t stop hate. It’s in a person’s head. You can’t legislate hate. There is absolutely nothing you can do about hate.

If you’ve been assaulted by the “Western male gaze” or if a teenage boy tells you you’re both smart and hot. You may be a victim.

When I was 16, a boy I thought was my friend said, “I can’t figure you out. Asian girls are either smart or hot. But you’re both.”

I didn’t know how to respond. I was only slowly becoming aware of how Asian women are often viewed as stereotypes, not as individuals, especially in the United States. I didn’t know how to defend myself, or how to defend my Asian sisters from the disturbing subtext of his question. The older I got, though, the clearer it became to me: Asian women are frequently reduced to objects by the Western male gaze.

Here’s a clue on this one too. Teenage boys are walking bags of hormones. They don’t know how to talk to girls. Hell, grown men don’t know how to talk to girls. Teenage boys’ brains are disconnected from reason when dealing with the biological imperative of having sex. It is an all consuming force.

Being a victim is now a fashion statement. It’s the latest rage. Can I say rage or is that too aggressive?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



