Kevin Bae

Non-Social in a Socially Networked World

The notion of an “essential worker” should be offensive to all Americans

In the United States there is no such thing as an essential worker. Well… there used to be no such thing. COVID-19 has given rise to this term and has pushed some people to the front calling them heroes and deeming them essential while others are not. The entire concept of an “essential business” or an “essential worker” should be offensive to all Americans. And I’ll put one more idea out there… you’re not a hero for doing your job. A hero is someone who puts their life on the line in the face of such dangers that could surely kill them. COVID-19 doesn’t qualify.

If you want to see heroes I suggest watching the movie “The Outpost” based on a book by Jake Tapper. I’ve never been exposed to war and Hollywood depictions tend to be glamorized for entertainment value. But, I imagine real war to be far scarier than anything on screen. Watch the YouTube clip from the movie linked below (for some reason it won’t let me embed it). Then go watch the entire film. People like these soldiers are heroes. They didn’t need to be there. And they faced sure death just trying to save each other.

It’s a far cry from cashier’s, doctors, nurses, and teachers going to work during COVID-19. I’m not diminishing the fear some people have over this illness. Clearly it has a deadly result for a portion of the population. But that portion is small and it’s not the same as a true heroic deed.


